When we got there a lady named Leichlle took us to a little area so we could split into two groups. Room 16 and 17 was one group, then room 18 was split into two groups. When we split, one group went sailing and the others went to a little room, to watch a video about voyagers and how they travelled. To survive they took food such as bananas, coconuts, chicken and a pig.🐖🐔🍌. When the movie ended, we had to answer some important questions. Then we went to a room with a lot of boats, and learnt how they made boats and how they used the husk from the coconut as a rope.
Then it was our turn to go on the big waka.
First we put on life jackets, to make sure that we were safe on the water.
When we got on the waka we meet the captain john. We had so much fun on the waka, when we went under the harbor bridge and there were people bungee jumping off it. Then we had to turn around and head back. When we were near the docking area, we saw a sea plane and it landed on the water near us.
When we got back we had our yummy and healthy lunches. As soon as we had finished our lunches, we had some extra time to find some things around the Maritime Museum. I had a lot of fun looking for the items with my friends mum MRS Leonard. We had a little trouble looking for one or two things. But we eventually we found them. After that we headed back to school.